כתיבת אותיות מיוחדות בתוך HTML

ישנם תווים מסוימים בתיכונת שמפריעות לקריאה של הקוד ויוצרת התנגשויות עם קודים מוכרים.

כגון אם רוצים להכניס סוגריים בתוך תגית שיש בה סוגריים אז ריבוי הסוגריים ייצור התנגשות ויש לכתוב אותן – אם הן חלק מהטקסט הרגיל ע”פ הטבלה הנ”ל:

השתמשו בטבלה, כדי לתרגם את התו הבעייתי לקוד שיתאים בתוך ה HTML :

Special HTML Characters§

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Character HTML
Description of Character Character HTML
Description of Character
	 horizontal tab ΠΠcapital OE ligature

 line feed ‘ ‘ left curly quote mark

 carriage return ’ ’ right curly quote mark/apostrophe
  space “ “ left curly quote marks
! ! exclamation point ” ” right curly quote marks
" " straight quote marks • • bullet
# # hash mark/number sign – – “en” (short) dash
$ $ dollar sign — — “em” (long) dash
% % percent sign ˜ ˜ tilde
& & & ampersand ™ trademark
' straight quote mark/apostrophe š š
( ( left parenthesis › right angle quote mark
) ) right parenthesis œ œ small oe ligature
* * asterisk Ÿ Ÿ capital Y, umlaut
+ + plus sign     non-breaking space
, , comma ¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation point
- hyphen ¢ ¢ ¢ cent sign
. . period/dot £ £ £ pound sterling sign
/ / ⁄ slash ¤ ¤ ¤ general currency sign
0 0 zero ¥ ¥ ¥ yen sign
1 1 one ¦ ¦ ¦ broken vertical bar
2 2 two § § § section sign
3 3 three ¨ ¨ ¨ umlaut/dieresis
4 4 four © © © copyright symbol
5 5 five ª ª ª feminine ordinal
6 6 six « « « left angle quote marks
7 7 seven ¬ ¬ ¬ not sign
8 8 eight ­ ­ soft hyphen
9 9 nine ® ® ® registered symbol
: : colon ¯ ¯ ¯ macron accent
; &#59; semi-colon ° ° ° degree sign
< &#60; &lt; less than sign ± &#177; &plusmn; plus or minus
= &#61; equals sign ² &#178; &sup2; superscript 2
> &#62; &gt; greater than sign ³ &#179; &sup3; superscript 3
? &#63; question mark ´ &#180; &acute; acute accent
@ &#64; commercial “at” sign µ &#181; &micro; micro sign (Greek mu)
A &#65; capital A &#182; &para; paragraph sign
B &#66; capital B · &#183; &middot; middle dot
C &#67; capital C ¸ &#184; &cedil; cedilla
D &#68; capital D ¹ &#185; &sup1; superscript 1
E &#69; capital E º &#186; &ordm; masculine ordinal
F &#70; capital F » &#187; &raquo; right angle quote marks
G &#71; capital G ¼ &#188; &frac14; fraction one-fourth
H &#72; capital H ½ &#189; &frac12; fraction one-half
I &#73; capital I ¾ &#190; &frac34; fraction three-fourths
J &#74; capital J ¿ &#191; &iquest; inverted question mark
K &#75; capital K À &#192; &Agrave; capital A, grave accent
L &#76; capital L Á &#193; &Aacute; capital A, acute accent
M &#77; capital M Â &#194; &Acirc; capital A, circumflex accent
N &#78; capital N Ã &#195; &Atilde; capital A, tilde
O &#79; capital O Ä &#196; &Auml; capital A, umlaut/dieresis
P &#80; capital P Å &#197; &Aring; capital A, ring
Q &#81; capital Q Æ &#198; &Aelig; capital AE ligature, dipthong
R &#82; capital R Ç &#199; &Ccedil; capital C, cedilla
S &#83; capital S È &#200; &Egrave; capital E, grave accent
T &#84; capital T É &#201; &Eacute; capital E, acute accent
U &#85; capital U Ê &#202; &Ecicr; capital E, circumflex accent
V &#86; capital V Ë &#203; &Euml; capital E, umlaut/dieresis
W &#87; capital W Ì &#204; &Igrave; capital I, grave accent
X &#88; capital X Í &#205; &Iacute; capital I, acute accent
Y &#89; capital Y Î &#206; &Icirc; capital I, circumflex accent
Z &#90; capital Z Ï &#207; &Iuml; capital I, umlaut/dieresis mark
[ &#91; left square bracket Ð &#208; &ETH; capital Eth, Icelandic
&#92; backslash Ñ &#209; &Ntilde; capital N, tilde
] &#93; right square bracket Ò &#210; &Ograve; capital O, grave accent/null set
^ &#94; caret Ó &#211; &Oacute; capital O, acute accent
_ &#95; underscore bar Ô &#212; &Ocirc; capital O, circumflex accent
` &#96; grave accent Õ &#213; &Otilde; capital O, tilde
a &#97; small a Ö &#214; &Ouml; capital O, umlaut/dieresis mark
b &#98; small b × &#215; &times; multiplication sign
c &#99; small c Ø &#216; &Oslash; capital O, slash
d &#100; small d Ù &#217; &Ugrave; capital U, grave accent
e &#101; small e Ú &#218; &Uacute; capital U, acute accent
f &#102; small f Û &#219; &Ucirc; capital U, circumflex accent
g &#103; small g Ü &#220; &Uuml; capital U, umlaut/dieresis mark
h &#104; small h Ý &#221; &Yacute; capital Y, acute accent
i &#105; small i Þ &#222; &THORN; capital Thorn, Icelandic
j &#106; small j ß &#223; &szlig; small sz ligature, German
k &#107; small k à &#224; &agrave; small a, grave accent
l &#108; small l á &#225; &aacute; small a, acute accent
m &#109; small m â &#226; &acirc; small a, circumflex accent
n &#110; small n ã &#227; &atilde; small a, tilde
o &#111; small o ä &#228; &auml; small a, umlaut/dieresis mark
p &#112; small p å &#229; &aring; small a, ring
q &#113; small q æ &#230; &aelig; small ae ligature, dipthong
r &#114; small r ç &#231; &ccedil; small c, cedilla
s &#115; small s è &#232; &egrave; small e, grave accent
t &#116; small t é &#233; &eacute; small e, acute accent
u &#117; small u ê &#234; &ecirc; small e, circumflex accent
v &#118; small v ë &#235; &euml; small e, umlaut/dieresis mark
w &#119; small w ì &#236; &igrave; small i, grave accent
x &#120; small x í &#237; &iacute; small i, acute accent
y &#121; small y î &#238; &icirc; small i, circumflex accent
z &#122; small z ï &#239; &iuml; small i, umlaut/dieresis mark
{ &#123; left curly brace ð &#240; &eth; small eth, Icelandic
| &#124; solid vertical bar ñ &#241; &ntilde small n, tilde
} &#125; right curly brace ò &#242; &ograve; small o, grave accent
~ &#126; tilde ó &#243; &oacute; small o, acute accent
 &#127; box ô &#244; &ocirc; small o, circumflex accent
&#128; &euro; euro õ &#245; &otilde; small o, tilde
&#130; comma ö &#246; &ouml; small o, umlaut/dieresis mark
ƒ &#131; florin ÷ &#247; &divide; division sign
&#132; ø &#248; &oslash; small o, slash/null set
&#133; ellipsis ù &#249; &ugrave; small u, grave accent
&#134; &dagger; dagger ú &#250; &uacute; small u, acute accent
&#135; &Dagger; double dagger û &#251; &ucirc; small u, circumflex accent
ˆ &#136; circumflex accent ü &#252; &uuml; small u, umlaut,dieresis mark
&#137; &permil; permil ý &#253; &yacute; small y, acute accent
Š &#138; þ &#254; &thorn; small thorn, Icelandic
&#139; left angle quote mark ÿ &#255; &yuml; small y, umlaut/dieresis mark

בדוק גם

תבניות לאלמנטור

שיפור מהירות לאתר וורדפרס

להלן קישור למאמר מיוחד מאת שי תודר – שגם ניצח כבר פעמיים בשלישיית הגמר בתחרות …

כתיבת תגובה

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